Amalgamated Security Services (Guyana) Inc.

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2018 Executive Chairman Anthony Joseph Foundation Speech

Good Morning to our special invited guests, our officers’ children who have been successful in their 2018 SEA Exams. Hard work must never go unnoticed so congratulations children for a job well done. A round of applause please !!!!
With your deserving achievement supported by the hard and dedicated work of your parent, an officer of Amalgamated security you have each qualified for the Anthony Joseph Foundation SEA monetary Grant.
Before I get into what this is all about, also allow me the opportunity to also say welcome to our executive and management staff of ASSL, Ms. Diana Guelmo, Public Relations Officer of the Chinapoo Youth Club, the organizers and the parents and guardians of these amazing children.

Like many journeys that you will undertake in your life, this is but one of them, a milestone which you should be proud of, and I am sure that you have made everyone in your life proud……. just as I feel as my son too, has passed his SEA this year.
Let’s give them another round of applause!!!!!! Thank you

Undoubtedly, this success could only have come about through hard work on your part and sacrifices made by your parents. Please continue the good work…. And keep us proud. A small piece of advice that I can give you would be……. Nothing can replace a good education and it will be the foundation to your future successes and dream carriers. Good luck in the future and always listen to your parents, believe me, they know best.

The Anthony Joseph Foundation was established in commemoration of a unique individual an officer who was dedicated to his company, his boss and clients and he never shied away from any task given to him , and most importantly had committed his lifelong carrier to ASSL and lost his life in a courageous act of bravery while fulfilling his duties. He was sadly taken from us too quickly but I have to accept that it was for a reason beyond my comprehension. I created this foundation so that his legacy will remain with us for eternity and that, we will never allow the passage of time to forget this fallen hero, as well as the others who have gone before us……. I pray for their souls and passage to heaven. The present theme for the foundation is following one of supporting the drive towards Education and in the future we will see a transformation to other equally important initiatives.

So in closing let me say congratulations once again, thank you all for coming, be safe……….Kids, open your minds and sponge up all of that knowledge awaiting you.
Officers of Amalgamated thank you for your devotion, loyalty and hard work God bless you all.

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